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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Three Essays on the Powers ofReproduction, by John Davenport.The Project Gutenberg EBook of Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs: ThreeEssays on the Powers of Reproduction, by John DavenportThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. EGYPTIAN PHALLI.andPompeian House—sign.ESSAY I. REMARKS UPON THE SYMBOLS OF THEREPRODUCTIVE POWERS.ROM theinvestigations and researches of the learned, there appears to beno doubt but that the most ancient of all superstitions was that inwhich Nature was contemplated chiefly under the attribute orproperty of fecundity; the symbols of the reproductive power beingthose under which its prolific potencies were exhibited. It is notbecause modern fastidiousness affects to consider those symbols asindecent, and even obscene, that we should therefore suppose themto have been so regarded by the ancients: on the contrary, the viewof them awakened no impure ideas in the minds of the latter, beingregarded by them as the most sacred objects of worship. Theancients, indeed, did not look upon the pleasures of love with thesame eye as the moderns do; the tender union of the sexes excitedtheir veneration, because religion appeared to consecrate it,inasmuch as their mythology presented to them all Olympus as moreoccupied with amatory delights than with the government of theuniverse.The reflecting men of those times, more simple, but, it mustbeconfessed, more profound, than those of our own day, could not seeany moral turpitude in actions regarded by them as the design ofnature, and as the acme of felicity. For this reason it is that wefind not only ancient writers expressing themselves freely uponsubjects regarded by us as indecent, but even sculptors andpainters equally unrestrained in this particular.The statesman took advantage of these religious impressions:whatever tended to increase population being held in honour. Thoseimages and Priapi so frequently found in the temples of theancients, and even in their houses, and which we consider asobjects of indecent lewdness, were, in their eyes, but so manysacred motives exciting them to propagate their species.In order to represent by a physical object the reproductivepower of the sun in spring-time, as well as the action of thatpower on all sentient beings, the ancients adopted that symbol ofthe male gender which the Greeks, who derive it from the Egyptians,called—Phallus.

This worship was sogeneral as to have spread itself over a large portion of thehabitable globe, for it flourished for many ages in Egypt andSyria, Persia, Asia Minor, Greece and Italy: it was, and still is,in vigour in India and many parts of Africa, and was even found inAmerica on its discovery by the Spaniards. 'Si Coneris, jacet exiguus cum ramice nervus Et quamvis tota palpetur nocte, jacebit.'

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Such, in fact, is the great difficulty of those individuals whohave abused their organs and destroyed their sensibility. Theerectile tissue whose turgescence is indispensable, no longeradmits into its vascular plexus or network, a quantity offluid sufficient to give the organ the power ofpenetrating— jacet exiguus—and, although it maybe supposed that the seminal glands perform their functionsperfectly well, and secrete abundantly the fluid peculiar to them,the copulative organ remains paralyzed. This is the impotence whichis brought on by old age, and which Ariosto has so forciblydescribed in the following lines, wherein he relates the futileattempts made upon Angelica by the hermit.

We can see that it's making an AJAX call and that it sets the pwidgetaction to 'SENDEMAIL' which is saved in the wwvflow package as gwidgetaction.Using the above, we can remove a column from the export by adding a server-side condition that checks the request and the widget action as follow:nvl(:request, 'EMPTY') not in ('CSV','XLS','PDF','RTF','HTMLD')and nvl(wwvflow.gwidgetaction, 'EMPTY') 'SENDEMAIL'That condition will work if there is only one interactive report on the page. If there is more than one report, the requests will be different.As we can see here. The requests are going to be using this pattern:IRRIf we take that into consideration and include it into the previous condition, we will have this:nvl(substr(:request, instr(:request, ', -1) + 1), 'EMPTY') not in ('CSV','XLS','PDF','RTF','HTMLD')and nvl(wwvflow.gwidgetaction, 'EMPTY') 'SENDEMAIL'In order to centralize the condition and avoid code being duplicated/replicated everywhere that we need to use this, it's best to create an authorization schema that we can use instead of using the server-side condition.Enjoy! I was recently asked to have a look at an APEX page that took some time to load.

That particular page was accessed using the navigation menu. Since the load time was longer than usual, users were often clicking multiple times on it while waiting.As usual, I turned debug mode on and had a look at the result. It turned out to be the underlying query of the page's report that was slow.We were able to fine-tune the query to make everything load faster. After a while, you'll get use to the new look of the page designer and going back to 5.1 might feel weird.Wouldn't it be nice if we could have the same look and feel on APEX 5.1.We can actually achieve that and it's not that difficult.The following is relying on CSS only, no JavaScript required. So there's no risk of breaking the page designer or any of its functionalities.So how can we do it?There's a super useful extension I used:It's available on, and.What it does is inject CSS for whatever website your tell it to.How to set everything up:Step 1.

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Install the extensionStep 2. Create a new styleStep 3. Copy and paste the following code/.-. APEX 18.1 Page Designer Style for APEX 5.1. Version: 1.1 (2018-03-16).

Author: Maxime Tremblay. To be used with the Stylish Addon: - Chrome: - Firefox: - Opera: Use with regexp URL: https?://(?:(?!apexea.oracle.com).).f?p=4000:4500.

or any other URL you wish. Using Gist: Served using: You can use the rawgit URL or copy everything from the Gist./@import url('4. Define what website it should be applied to.Since I'm working with APEX 5.1 everywhere, I'm using the regular expression https?://(?:(?!apexea.oracle.com).).f?p=4000:4500. to apply it everywhere except apexea.oracle.com.Here's the end result.

If your switch items are displayed as select lists rather than as toggle items, you will need to go in your application's Shared Components, then in the Components Settings and edit the Switch item to change the Display Style attribute to Switch.Another way is by using a Radio item. You'll need to change some attributes so that the item is displayed as a toggle.First, you'll need to change the Number of Columns attributes to at least the amount of values you have. I like to use 999 so that if a new value is added to the list, I won't have to change the attribute again. Then, we can build the customized version of the library using the 'font-awesome' file.You can build LESS and Sass files with most text editors. There are also many desktop applications that are able to compile LESS and Sass.Once our customized Font Awesome is built, we need to upload it to our application (either in the Static Files or on your Web Server).Using Font APEX and Font AwesomeFirst, we'll need to include our custom Font Awesome library.


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We can add it under the Shared Components by going into the User Interface Attributes and then selecting the Desktop interface. Under the Cascading Style Sheets Section, we can add the references to our file.Something like this:#APPIMAGES#font-awesome/4.7.0/css/custom-font-awesome#MIN#.cssUsing Font APEX will be just as usual. Use the corresponding 'fa' class as seen on.

In order to use our customized Font Awesome, we will need to use our custom class prefix. In our case: 'fawe'.You'll then be able to use both at the same time, like this.